MCQs in Periodontology - Defense mechanisms of Gingiva and Host response

# The predominant cell type in gingival crevicular fluid is the:
A. Mast cell
B. Plasma cell
C. Macrophage
D. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte

# Gingival crevicular fluid is measured using:
A. Whatman's filter paper
B. pH paper
C. Mylar strip
D. Litmus paper

# The predominant immunoglobulinin sulcular fluid is:
A. IgA
B. IgG
C. IgM
D. IgE

# Orogranulocytes are:
A. Granulocytes present in the gingival connective tissue
B. Mast cells present in the GCF
C. PMNs reaching the oral cavity through subepithelium
D. All of the above

# Drug which reaches maximum concentration in gingival fluid is:
A. Tetracycline
B. Penicillin
C. Erythromycin
D. Sulphonamide

# Which cell type migrates into the gingival sulcus in large numbers in response to dental plaque?
A. Mast cells
B. Neutrophils
C. Lymphocytes
D. Plasma cells

# Sulcular fluid does not perform one of the following functions:
A. Contains plasma proteins which may improve adhesion
B. Possess antimicrobial properties
C. Exerts antibody activity
D. Provides nutrition to junctional epithelium via diffusion

# Glucose levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) are:
A. Equal to glucose levels in serum
B. Zero
C. 3-4 times greater then serum levels
D. more than 10 times the serum levels

# It is likely that cell mediated immune reactions (delayed hypersensitivity) occur in periodontitis because subjects with periodontitis have:
A. High levels of histamine in involved gingival tissue
B. IgG antibodies reactive with plaque bacterial antigens
C. T lymphocytes sensitized to bacterial plaque antigens
D. High levels of collagenase in gingival fluids

# Leukotoxin:
A. kills neutrophils
B. attracts neutrophils
C. aggregates neutrophils
D. enhances phagocyte activity

# The most potent bone resorbing interleukin is:
A. IL-8
B. IL-1B
C. IL-5
D. IL-3

# Leukotoxin is released by:
A. P. nucleatum
B. A. naeslundii
C. B. Forsythia
D. A. actinomycetem comitans

# Plaque is considered as infection because:
A. Antibiotics prevent its formation
B. Its presence is evidence of bacterial growth
C. It is communicable between experimental animals and probably humans.
D. All of the above

# The gingival crevicular fluid is increased in all except:
A. Gingivitis
B. Smoking
C. Periodontal pocket
D. Trauma from occlusion

# The inorganic component of subgingival plaque is derived from:
A. Saliva
B. Gingival crevicular fluid
C. Inorganic matter of tooth
D. Food Debris

# Gingival fluid is a:
A. Transudate
B. Exudate
C. Can be either of the two (transudate and exudate)
D. Neither of the two (transudate and exudate)

# What are the cells that produce PGE2 in the periodontium ?
A. Macrophages
B. Fibroblasts
C. Neutrophils
D. Both Macrophages and Fibroblasts

# To identify microorganism in periodontal disease, Koch's postulate have been modified by:
A. Socransky
B. Glickman
C. Russel
D. Vermillion